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Bulk Resize Photos and Edit Images Online

Your photos are edited in your browser, never sent to any server.

Drag & drop or

 select images

Use Chrome for better experience.

Resize images

Batch resize images or photos

right on your computer.

Crop images

Crop multiple images or

photos quick and easy.

Add watermark

Batch watermark images or

photos with your logo.

Rotate images

Rotate or flip images or photos

at once without waiting in line.

EdiKer: Batch Photo Editing and more!
▸No registration, No payment, No malware & it's free!

▸Edit photos with the modern browser's ability.

▸Nothing to upload to our server. No privacy issue.

▸Resize, crop, edit a single or multiple images at one go.

▸No limitations of any file size and number of files.

▸Your photos and pictures always keep on your computer.

Find out why EdiKer Free Photo Editor?
Batch editing

Absolutely, there is no uploading in EdiKer. It runs entirely within your web browser, using the many capabilities that modern browsers now have built-in. Choose hundreds or even thousands of photos or at once through any web browser, then directly edit without installing extra software. You'll experience a faster processing. (The real performance largely depends on your computer's CPU and memory performance.) With EdiKer's photo editing tools, you can edit as many photos as you want, up to 100MB per file, at no cost. Your files are not uploaded to our servers, but directly download to your local machine.
Speed up editing photos

EdiKer can do several batch process all at one go! Actually EdiKer isn't a direct competitor to Photoshop, but it does offer enough options to fulfill the needs of both amateur and professional creators who need a simple photo editing tool in use. EdiKer can resize pictures and photos, add a watermark to batch images, and even crop multiple photos at a time, and changing the brightness and the contrast, and converting multiple files from PNG to JPEG (or vice versa). Applying these basic edits to a single picture or to the hundreds of images is quite easy. Simple drag and drop, click and done.

FREE & No sign up required

You don't need to sign up but can use the functions of this free online photo editor. Most of the online photo editors require you to sign up to access extra features, otherwise they add their branding to free users' photos. But we don't like this. We love the Internet. Especially we love the FREE web service which has the convenience of not installing anything to start something. We bet, EdiKer never have this kind of bottlenecks. EdiKer provides multiple options for manipulating images thus making the process simple, and it's all completely free. The only limit is your network connection!
Secure everything

Be rest assured of the security of your data. If you are a privacy lover, then you don't have to worry anymore in EdiKer. We have kept our promise of 100% anonymity to everyone who use EdiKer online photo editing tools. Even better, EdiKer is a browser based online photo editor which means there is nothing to install, update, or patch for applications. Also, direct downloading protects your photos with local encryption - Many of today's hard drives are self-encrypting, and many OS vendors have software-based drive encryption. Your photos will be always safe on your side.
How to edit multiple photos at once online
To start, open in your web browser
Choose your photos and select an editing feature, then click process.
Wait until bulk photo editing is completed in your browser.
Download edited photos or images to your computer.
Frequently Asked Questions
▸ How to resize images and photos?
1. On the EdiKer site, drop or choose the images you want to resize. You can choose a single image or hundreds at once.
2. Click the Resize on the left side of the Editor
3. Choose how to resize the image - Width, Height, or Exact Size.
4. Select an option, type in the size you want, and then click the OK button. Preview will show the first image of how it looks like.
5. Click the Start Processing button (bottom left corner) to apply to all of the images.
▸ How to crop photos and pictures?
1. On the EdiKer site, drop or choose the images you want to crop. You can choose a single image or hundreds at once.
2. Click the Crop on the left side of the Editor
3. Enter any specific size you want, and then select the Crop Position which images will be cropped from. And then click OK button. Preview will show the first image
4. Click the Start Processing button (bottom left corner) to apply to all of the images.
▸ How to flip or rotate multiple images or photos?
1. On the EdiKer site, drop or choose the images you want to crop. You can choose a single image or hundreds at once.
2. Click the Rotate on the left side of the Editor
3. Select either Rotate the image 90 degrees to the right or Rotate the image 180 degrees to the upside down or Rotate the image 270 degrees to the left. Choose either Vertical Flip or Horizontal Flip. And then click OK. Preview will show the first image
4. Click the Start Processing button (bottom left corner) to apply to all of the images.
▸ How to add watermark your logo over an image?
1. On the EdiKer site, drop or choose the images you want to add watermark logo. You can choose a single image or hundreds at once.
2. Click the Watermark/Logo on the left side of the Editor
3. Choose the logo file to place over your image. And set a logo placement or logo image size or transparent or add padding as desired. After that, click OK button. Preview will show the first image
4. Click the Start Processing button (bottom left corner) to apply to all of the images.
▸ How to change the brightness and contrast?
1. On the EdiKer site, drop or choose the images you want to adjust. You can choose a single image or hundreds at once.
2. Click the Bright/Contrast on the left side of the Editor
3. Adjust the Brightness or Contrast, then click OK button. Preview will show the first image
4. Click the Start Processing button (bottom left corner) to apply to all of the images.
▸ How to apply the Blur or Sharpen effect?
1. On the EdiKer site, drop or choose the images you want to adjust. You can choose a single image or hundreds at once.
2. Click the Blur/Sharpen on the left side of the Editor
3. Adjust the Blur effect or Sharpen effect, then click OK button. Preview will show the first image
4. Click the Start Processing button (bottom left corner) to apply to all of the images.
▸ Can I undo changes after editing photos?
When your photos are edited and saved, changes CANNOT be undone.

But before applying an editing function to all files, you can cancel a selected option. After getting the preview by applying an editing effect, Click the ticked options from Resize, Crop, Rotate, Bright, Watermark. Then click Clear button to undo previous actions.
About EdiKer
We are proud to offer the most simple and fast online photo editor for single or multiple photos. EdiKer is an online photo creation and editing platform for modern creators. Our online photo editing suite includes the web's most popular simple image resizing, cropping, watermarking and file format conversion. So you can simply edit your photos online.

The name "EdiKer" derives from Editor and Maker. EdiKer empowers people to make and edit their photos or images over the internet. EdiKer photo editor is free and always will be.

We want you to enjoy your photo editing experience - a single photo or in batch processing! Feel free to contact us if you need help, if you have questions or suggestions, or simply if you want to chat. We will be pleased to assist you!
Don't wait! Edit your photos now!
Choose your photos